A home security system is a good investment to protect your home and family from crime and may qualify you for a homeowners insurance discount. Insurance companies offer discounts because security systems make it less likely that a burglar will want to enter your home and even if they do, many will immediately leave after hearing the alarm. This minimizes property loss and therefore your likelihood of filing an insurance claim.
Choosing a suitable system can be very confusing because of the many types of security systems available today. A major choice that homeowners face is whether to get a hard wired or wireless system. This choice will depend on a number of factors.
A hard wired system will require physical work installing the components and wiring. This will include drilling holes into your walls. Unless you are experienced at such work, you will have to hire a professional installer which can be costly. The systems themselves are generally less expensive than wireless.
Wireless systems are designed for easy installation. No drilling or placing of wires are required. Components will either attach to a wall with a few screws or with a sticky adhesive backing. Additional components are also easy to install.
Wireless systems rely on good cell phone reception for contacting professional monitoring services. This may be a problem for some people in rural areas. Hard wired systems use land lines.
For renters, a wireless system can be easily installed when they move into an apartment and just as easily removed when they move out. Wireless systems also make sense for people whose jobs require them to move around a lot.
Power Supply
The individual components of wireless systems are powered by batteries. Good systems use batteries that last for years but you will want to make sure that they will alert you when their batteries run low. Hard wired systems don't rely on batteries but tap directly into your home's electrical power.
By applying the above features and requirements to your situation and needs, it should become very clear which type of system is best for you.
Protect your family. Call Skogman Insurance at 319-366-6288 for more information on home insurance.
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